Wednesday 16 December 2015

LISA by Leandra Lee Lopez

As years passed by, my sister was the talk of the town. I didn't know what to feel or act at all. Whispers are the source of sound that I would constantly hear. Nobody wanted to be friends with me. I am a loner, it's depressing to say the least but I'll manage. It's my last year in high school then hopefully I can leave this place for good.

Science class is my least favorite subject and basically, it sucks because nobody wanted to help me so I have to deal with this all on my own. Until, a tall looking guy sat beside me and offered to help. It shocked me to my bones because it has been years since someone payed attention to me. "Hey, I'm Martin. I've noticed that you have a hard time with the subject matter. I'm just wondering if you wanted any help?" The answer is yes, why not? Someone wanted to be friends with me and maybe, just maybe... I can finally find happiness and friendship. Martin is nice, cute and really down to earth. It's sad to know that he'll leave one day, but I'm going to treasure the days that I have left with him. I'm going to make the most out of it. Every day, Martin visits me every after class. He walks with me to my locker and talks about how my day went and sometimes he cracks jokes that mostly does not really make a lot of sense at all. People would always glance at us and even give Martin looks as if questioning why he's even hanging out with me. Well, he never really cared about them. He says that they are just jealous because they can never have a cool and beautiful friend like me. I'm getting attached, I'm not gonna lie. 

It's been a while since I've thought about my sister and it's making me feel a tad guilty because I haven't visited her since Martin came. The death of my sister, Monnalisa was a shock to the town. Basically, my sister was a Golden girl. Everyone adored her; girls envy her. Monnalisa was the type of girl whom every teacher loved. She was beautiful inside and out. She never really had a problem with anyone, but then one day she just disappeared. Everyone was looking for her. My mom, my dad, her friends... everyone. Until someone tipped the police anonymously that her body was seen afloat the Riverside lake. Nobody knew what really happened to her. But according to the forensics investigation she was raped and then tossed her out of the lake.

We never found her justice. There wasn't any suspect or witness. Nor were there evidences. However, there was always a red rose on her grave. Every single day, there was one. It was weird because her death happened years ago. It was a mystery. At first, I thought it was a secret admirer who loved her but as months passed, I knew it wasn't and this was getting serious.

I didn't tell anyone about this. Not even my family. I wanted to solve this case. Who sent those flowers... everything. Martin is a distraction and it's making my head hurt. I didn't know whom to choose. My sister who is now laying in the past or Martin who makes me happy now. I thought about this for days, and decided to choose Martin and let go of the past. I hang around with Martin, through day and night. We would watch movies in his house and eat around gummy worms. He would even steal kisses that would make my heart flutter. I don't know what we are but I obviously like him and I think he feels the same way too. We do this every single day and I feel like I'm literally floating on cloud nine. He told me about his family and his friends and I liked it a lot.

For once I've thought about my sister and decided to visit her. I turned down our movie night and told him that I have an important matter to attend to. He understands and told me to text him when I arrive home. When I arrived at my sister's grave, I talked and told her about my life. How happy I have become. How thankful I am that Martin have become a part of my life and he make me feel complete. I heard footsteps coming and quickly hid between a tree. What I saw made me loose my breath. Martin himself is standing in front of the grave, holding a piece of red rose in his hand. My body felt numb and I didn't know what to feel. When I was about to call his name, I stopped and listened as to what he had said:

"Lisa, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I regretted everything that I have done. I loved you since the very first time I saw you. You are my everything until I met your sister. I know that this is out of the line but I hope you understand. I met your sister. I know that this is out of the line but I hope you understand. Your sister is depressed ever since you were gone and as payment to what I have done to you, I'm making her happy. I love you Lisa, see you again tomorrow." 

I was shocked and I felt anger surged through me."What do you mean, Martin?" Martin stopped in his tracks and turned to face me. Tears welled up his eyes. He's sobbing now. I wanted to comfort him but I can't. Monnalisa needs her peace. "I killed your sister, I'm sorry."

I breathed in, knelt down and hugged my sister's grave. I can't believe that I broke my walls and fell in love with my sister's killer. 


        Terrorists are people who promote terrorism. They are willing to go the extra mile just to get what they want  even if it means war and death. The possibility of chaos is getting bigger as more countries are getting harmed, so how exactly can their attacks  affect people's lives?

         ISIS has attacked a lot of places aside from Paris. They have bombed Beirut, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq as well. But after their attacks, some countries vowed for revenge with the help of their allies. Paris for instance, sent bombs to ISIS after the latter have attacked them. Russia on the other hand is planning to do the same. But does vengeance equal justice or is revenge always just?

        Affected countries have people who rendered homeless and abandoned. Great depression and grief struck families who lost their loved ones and their homes. In Syria, a kid was interviewed about how his family's life is after the attacks. He claimed they haven't eaten well in two days. They eat only grass. The video of the interview went viral. People live in fear thinking about who or where the terrorists will strike next.

       Therefore, terrorism has greatly  affected people to the point of confusion. They are left with no idea where to run. Terrorists left people feeling violent, eager to get revenge. Countries are now teaming up yet still have no idea whether or not revenge will do any good. Insanity might as well join in on the problem. Terrorism left people thinking whether it's better to be alive or dead than suffer greatly for things they didn't do.  Innocence is not a choice anymore.

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Promise by Michael Angelo Osmil

"Death is an inevitable thing. It comes to you no matter how you try to avoid it with medicine and precaution. You cannot escape death."

A woman wearing a blue dress and a brown sweater was sitting on a banig. Her tired eyes looked at Jane. It was Jane's sick mother. Jane's eyes began to water. "Jane," a hand held hers, with a warm and comforting feeling. "You know, Jane, anak, I'm starting to think you're more scared than I am!" she chuckled like death was nothing to her. Somehow, Jane grinned because her mother's laugh, even though she had a lot of reasons not to. "Ma, I'm just so scared." Jane sighed, "If I only had a job!" Her mother sensed her frustration. She reahed out for her panyo and wiped her daughter's tears. Jane held her mother's hand, "Do you need anything, ma?" she stood up determined to do something. Her mother grinned, "Make me some milk, Jane anak." She looked at Jane and gave her a smile. "O-okay!" she hurriedly ran to the kitchen. A few minutes later, she came back with a mug of hot milk. "Here, Ma." Jane handed it over to her mom. "Thanks, anak." She took a sip and stared out the window. There was a long silence in the room. "Ma, promise me, you'll guide me even when you're gone." She clutched her mother's hand, "I always will, anak." She wrapped her arms around Jane which became a long hug between mother and daughter.

Jane, who was very young, decided to just rely on the power of prayer. She goes to church alone, dressed in rags, since they have no money to buy decent clothes. Ever since her mother fell ill she has been going to church every day, from the countryside walking to the city. And she stopped going to school. Shortly after the exhausting walk, she felt desperate and frustrated. Her mother's condition just seemed to get worse.

One day, she went home from church, tired and frustrated. She heard her mom coughing. She went to her room. "Jane, your back!" she smiled as she saw her daughter. "Jane, I need a glass of water, anak." "Ma, I'm tired of always looking out for you! I pray every day to Sto. Nino, but your condition just gets worse! If only you weren't sick! You're so annoying! My effort on walking from here to there and back again just gets wasted! Why?! Why do we have no money? I should have been going to school a long time ago. Why won't you go away?! JUST DISAPPEAR!" Jane was crying and angry at the same time. Realizing what she has done, Jane ran out of the house crying. Her mother was so shocked, she wasn't able to say anything.

Jane ran to a nearby river to be alone. She looked at t he sapa as it's water shone like a huge wave of crystals. She decided to go home and apologize to her mother. She ran back home, filled with guilt, but she knew her conscience would be cleared afterwards.

As she arrived back from the sapa, she rushed to her mother's room. "Ma!" she was surprised to find her mother missing. "Ma?" she called out. She noticed a small note on her banig. She opened it anxiously.


Jane, anak,  I'm sorry if I have troubled you. I was a burden to you. I shouldn't have put so much weight on your shoulders. Since I haven't attended a misa in a while, I will go to the city and pray. Don't worry, this is my way of thanking you. You won't be seeing me anymore. Just remember that, I'll always love you even though I'm gone. I'll never break our promise. Goodbye.

Your Mama,


Jane cried after reading the note. She ran outside. She heard lots of noises and shouts, "What's going on?". A man was talking to a police officer and there were lots of people nearby. "Didto Sir ay!  I saw a woman who was run over by a car." The man pointed to the road going to the church. "Ah, Manong, unsa iyang gisuot? the police asked. "She was wearing a white dress with a black jacket." the man answered. She was shocked because this was what her mother was wearing that morning. She ran to the direction the man was pointing at. Up ahead, Jane saw a car with a figure of a woman lying on the road. There was no one in the car, so she went over to the woman. It was her mother. "Ma! Mama!" she tried shaking her mother. Jane checked on her pulse, but there was nothing. The rain poured down as death has caught the
soul of her mother.

Flower by Scot Damier Sandoval

An incandescent flower
Which was born near the tower
Surrounded with hostile beast
Asian College of Technology held an on-the-spot
poetry writing competition in lieu of the English Month.
Hoping for the very least.

A butterfly with chatoyant wings
Has dreams for impossible things
And found the flower
Resting near the tower.

As the butterfly go close
Thinking if it's as lovely as a rose
It gave an ineffable look
While it's reading its book.

Then the butterfly flew night after night
Wondering whether he was right
It flew around mesmerized by the flower's petal
With courage as strong as metal.

But his wings grew tired,
And the flower hasn't known she was admired.
The butterfly died right beside
Knowing it's too late to decide.

Tuesday 13 October 2015


by Dominic Ceballos

I feel heavy looking through those years When I waited and cried those tears, I felt the pain growing each and every day And “ I’m fine “ is all I could say
I feel down knowing what I did wasn’t enough Never enough to make you laugh, Even though problems are tough My efforts are just not enough
I feel confused on what to do Do I hide this feeling that is true? Or die every time you find someone new, I just can’t decide when I’m talking about you,
I feel crazy each and every day To see you smile in a way, That keeps me awake every night and day, Oh, girl I just want you to stay
I feel jealous to know you care For someone who wasn’t even there I find it really unfair It’s just the feeling I can’t bare
I feel mad to know you’re in pain All I witness is an endless rain I'll wipe those tears 'coz care And don’t worry I'll always be there
But now I only feel regret That I've kept all these things a secret, These emotions I feel inside That I never should hide
I just love you too much.

Juvenile Justice: Will Amendment Suffice?

Juvenile Justice: Will Amendment Suffice?
A Persuasive Essay 
by Maria Eloisa H. Garcia
Grade 9- Justice

Republic Act 9344 or Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006 gives a child in conflict with the law another chance, a new beginning marked by a clean slate. They possess the freedom to pursue their future without any record of their stained past. But nowadays, people doubt and begin to question this law.
Minors are seen in the streets, not selling puto or sampaguita, but sprinting away with stolen possessions, or violently assaulting an unsuspecting civilian. They also come in as gangs, couriers of drug traffickers or bet collectors of illegal gambling lords. The public is terrified, seeing as these juvenile offenders end up in the custody of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), not behind bars as punishment, and for them to walk out with an unscathed record, only to do crime again. Lawmakers are currently reviewing Republic Act 9344, and considering proposals to amend the law in accordance to public safety. But is amendment truly the right solution?
At what age does a person endow a clear notion of what is right and wrong? Lawmakers, such as Sen. Francis Escudero and Sen. Vicente Sotto, propose to bring down the age of criminal liability for juvenile offenders are getting younger and younger by time. But this will only restore another type of criminal culture. Jail provides an unhealthy environment that can corrupt a child’s mind. In these quarters, children will be brutalized or raped by older inmates. They will become their vicious disciples who bear hatred for the world, stripped off their innocence.
Why do children resort to crime? They are either used or exposed to factors in society that greatly influences it. A child is not solely responsible for a crime he/she committed. He/she is a victim of our political and socio-economic system that created the problem in the first place. Hunger, malnutrition, neglect, poverty and other forms of social injustice relay an insurmountable impact on a child without adult guidance. Effective implementation of RA 9344 cancels or paralyzes these factors. It does not exempt a child from criminal liability, but rather to get both the adult and the child to face the responsibility of the wrongdoing.Parents or guardians, who neglect their children and turn a blind eye to their crimes, do not appear innocent to the law and therefore, subjected to DSWD investigation.
The law mandates the formation of Barangay Councils for the Protection of Children or BCPCs nationwide. Encourage the proper performance of the duties of parents and provide learning opportunities on the adequate rearing of children and positive parent-child relationship are only some of the specific functions of BCPCs. Their main advocacy is to provide a holistic and wholesome environment for children, cater their needs and protect them from abuse and exploitation.
Though BCPCs are noble and promising, a number of them have not been as ideal and fully functional as the barangays claim. Out of 39,535 barangays, only 13 percent (5,208)has submitted a report to DILG (Department of Interior and Local Government) on functionality; at least 3,876 barangays have not passed any report. DILG still doubts that the listed 5,208 barangays have BCPCs that are indeed fully functional. The agency is set to conduct a field investigation to confirm if the BCPCs are working effectively.
The law does not need amendment. It needs thorough implementation to harbour positive results. The government must be prepared to utilize its funds to make this possible. Good rehabilitation centers, programs and BCPCs come at a hefty price. The government must also dedicate itself to keep children in schools, supply them with morals, and keep them off the streets.Their innocence must be sheltered by a healthy society, bound with beautiful traditions and loving communities.

If the future of the children is threatened, the future of the country might as well be.

Suicide: The Darkest Crime of Our Hearts

      Suicide: The Darkest Crime of Our Hearts
By Noni Kent A. Kaindoy

                   There are two types of people who can’t reach their goals: the defeated and the failures. The defeated are those who try again, while the failures are those who accept their mistakes. Without hope, they commit suicide because they feel they are rejected by the world or by chance.
                  Suicide is caused by loneliness, desperation and helplessness. This is the second leading cause of death globally among 15 to 29 years of age, according to the 2014 global report on preventing suicide by the World Health Organization (WHO). In the Philippines the estimated number of suicides in 2012 was 2,558 (550 female, 2009 male), according to the same report. Suicide is committed because some people believe there is nothing they can do to make their lives better from sadness. They have no one else to help them change their outlooks about themselves.
                 Their losses have been stuck on their heads because they have suffered consequences that hurt them both mentally and physically. In Manila, two students from separate schools in Batangas shot themselves dead after receiving failing grades in separate incidents on a Friday afternoon. Scene-of-the-crime investigators found the body of Daveson Beron, 22, a mechanical engineering student of Batangas State University and one of the suicide victims, a caliper .38 revolver he used to shoot himself with beside his body, and a laptop with message on screen: “I’m sorry, I quit.” People believe that when a person dies, it’s his/her decision, but what matters is why. What possible reason is there that people want to die? What could have been done to prevent them from taking their own lives?
                 The worst part of despair is the belief that they cannot do anything to prevent it. While there are some people who can deal with it after a while, some people believe they can’t. People who fail to recognize true happiness are those who say, “I am nothing to this world.” One example is a Filipino-American named Izabel Laxamana, who killed herself by jumping off a bridge in Tacoma, Washington. Laxamana’s father cut off her black hair as a punishment for ‘getting messed up’. Her father then taped the incident and shared it online, which ended up humiliating her. She felt like the world went against her.

                So I am begging those who know this sad type of death, please listen. Try to increase the esteem of those people around you, stranger or not. Continue to make them live happily until they die of old age content and blissful. Instead of punishing them for failing, try to help them overcome their failures. Let us live life courageously and continue to live happily.

Sunday 11 October 2015

Pageant ginanap sa Math & Science Week

Nagkaroon ng Mr. Math and Ms. Science pageant sa pagdiriwang ng Math and Science week noong
ika-22 ng Setyembre 2015 sa Asian College of Technology,  Bulacao Campus.

Ang mga kandidato sa Mr. Math ay rumampa bilang mga tanyag na scientists at mathematicians. Habang kinatawan naman ng mga kandidata ng Ms. Science and apat na elemento ng kalikasan - apoy, tubig, lupa at hangin.

Ang kasuotan nila ay gawa lamang sa mga 'recyclable materials' na dinisenyo at nilikha ng kani-kanilang mga kaklase.

Sabi ni Gng. Monalisa Abellanosa, isa sa mga hurado, na hindi siya makapaniwala na kayang lumikha ng ganoong kagandang mga kasuotan ang mga mag-aaral. "The costumes were beautiful," dagdag pa niya.

Hinirang bilang Mr. Math si Khylle Cabusas, Gr. 9-Justice, na gumanap bilang si Isaac Newton samantalang si Leandra Lee Lopez naman ng Gr.10 Perseverance na kumatawan ng elementong hangin ang hinirang na Ms. Science.

Ang mga sumusunod ay ang mga runner-ups sa nasabing patimpalak:
      Mr. Math
              1st Runner-up: Lynnel Lomosad (Euclid)
              2nd Runner-up: Lance Catadman (Leonardo Davinci)
              3rd Runner-up: Dominic Ricardo ( Rene Descartes)
              4th Runner-up: Paul Irvin Santillan (Albert Einstein)

        Ms. Science
              1st Runner-up: Jenika Nero (Apoy)
              2nd Runner-up: Chauntel Gimenez (Lupa)
              3rd Runner-up: Jeriel Jumalon ( Apoy)
              4th Runner-up: Alyssa Beldad (Lupa)

Nagkaroon din ng mga espesyal na pagkilala sa mga kandidato't kandidata:
              Best in Production Number - Lopez at Catadman
              Best in Costume - Cabusas at Jumalon
              Best Element:
                       Apoy - Jumalon, Lupa - Beldad, Tubig - Nikki Patalinghug, Hangin- Lopez

Ito ang kauna-unahang pageant na ginanap sa pagdiriwang ng Math and Science Week.

- Allysha Danielle Tadios
Photos by Jeanille Cogtas

Jeriel Jumalon's PHOTOJOURNALISM i


Bumper to bumper. Buses, trucks, vans and PUJs waited in a long line due to heavy traffic. 
Cars taking u-turns at St. Paul caused the congestion around 9:00 a.m last October 3,2015.

Denims or polka dots? Ruby Lapingcao, lady guard, shows interest on both items
during the Garage sale at Asian College of Technology last October 3, 2015.

Puzzle pieces. Palabio Amigo,carpenter, fixed lobby tiles at Asian College of Technology 
last Oct. 3,2015 around 10:00 a.m. The tiles loosened due to series of earthquakes 
from the previous years.


Khylle Cabusas, Gr. 9-Justice and Leandra Lee Lopez, Gr. 10-Perseverance won Mr. Math and Ms. Science 2015 respectively, at Asian College of Technology last September 22, 2015.

Cabusas, Mr. Math,  posed as Isaac Newton with his self-designed costume while Lopez, Ms. Science, represented the element air. Her costume was designed by her classmate, Nethania Pedrano.

"Cabusas was very smart-looking plus his costume looks good on him," Joan Lanas, one of the judges said.

Lopez was heavily applauded when she answered her question: What environmental problem will you solve if you are given the chance to travel back to the past?

"If I had the chance to travel back to the past, I'd choose not to because it does not solve anything. Humanity will always be as stubborn. I would rather start now and make a change to our world," she said.

Cabusas ,on the other hand, was asked how he would promote the importance of mathematics to his fellow students.

He said that he would ask them about their aspirations and then, use any mathematical problems that can help achieve them because with mathematics, they will learn and defeat obstacles.

His last sentence drew more cheers from the audience, "I believe also that mathematics does not only teach counting numbers, but it also counts the achievements and deeds that we completed in our life," he added.

Cabusas was also awarded for best costume and Lopez for the Best Production Number.

The following are the runner-ups for the said pageant
       Ms. Science
                    1st Runner-up: Jenika Gi-An Nero (Gr. 9-Justice)
                    2nd Runner-up: Chauntel Gimenez (Gr. 10-Fortitude)
                    3rd Runner-up: Jeriel Jumalon (Gr. 8-Unity)
                    4th Runner-up: Alyssa Beldad (Gr.9 - Prudence)

      Ms. Math
                    1st Runner-up: Lynnell Jasper Lomosad (Gr.10-Perseverance)
                    2nd Runner-up: Lance Roi Catadman (Gr. 10-Fortitude)
                    3rd Runner-up: Dominic Ricardo (Gr. 8-Integrity)
                    4th Runner-up: Paul Irvin Santillan (Gr.9 - Prudence)

The event was the first pageant held in lieu for the Math and Science Week.

- Maria Eloisa Garcia
-Photo by Jeanille Cogtas

Saturday 10 October 2015

Wacky Debate, Pera o Bayong, Sayaw Pinoy tampok sa selebrasyon ng Buwan ng Wika

          Idinaraos ng Asian College of Technology ang unang araw ng selebrasyon sa taunang paggunita ng Buwan ng Wika sa pamamagitan ng Wacky Debate, Pera o Bayong, at Sayaw Pinoy na nilahukan ng mga estudyante sa sekundaryong noong ika-27 ng Agosto 2015 sa ACT Main Lobby
        Nagsimula ang programa sa isang Wacky Debate na sinalihan ng mga mag-aaral na nagmula sa ika-pito hanggang ika-sampung baitang. Nahati ang mga kalahok sa apat na grupo at nagtagisan ng kanilang talino at katatawanan.
       Kasunod naman ay ang Pera o Bayong na kung saan mas pinasaya ang laro dahil ang mga taong tumatayong poste ay nagpagalingan ng kanilang talento sa larangan ng gymnastics.

      Si Kirk Abellana ng Gr. 8-Unity ang nagwagi sa patimpalak na ito.
      Nagtapos naman ang programa sa pahusayan ng paglahad ng Sayaw Pinoy ng bawat seksyon sa sekundarya. 
      Pinataob ng seksyong Fortitude ang lahat ng kanilang mga katunggali ng tanghalin silang kampeyon. 

-Maria Lallene Cinco
- Photos by Trizia Bondoc & Jeanille Cogtas



Iuuwi ko ba? Sinuri ng isang Ale bago binili ang mga damit sa Garage Sale ng Supreme Student Government(SSG) sa Asian College of Technology noong ika-3 ng Oktubre sa taong ito.
PAGSASAAYOS. Kinumpuni ni Palabio Amigo, karpentero ng Asian College of Technology(ACT),
ang mga nabiyak na mga tiles sa ACT lobby noong ika-3 ng Oktubre sa taong ito.

Tama ba ang presyo? Sinuri ni John Lloyd Abanto, isang SSG officer, kung tama 
ang nailagay na presyo sa mga damit bago nagsimula ang Garage Sale noong ika-3 ng 
Oktubre sa taong ito sa Asian College of Technology.

Di Mahulugang Karayom. Nagkaroon ng mabigat ng daloy ng trapiko na nag-ugat 
sa U-turn ng mga PUJs sa Bulacao harapan ng St. Paul sa bandang 
alas 9 ng umaga noong ika-3 ng Oktubre sa taong ito

Friday 9 October 2015

DISTANT LAND by Eloisa Garcia

You are my sole constant,
In this life of changing tides.
Calm and brooding,
May own unsolved mystery.

In my motionless journey,
I am satisfied with glimpses.
Yes, I am yearning.
But, never wanting.

I cling on my anchored sailboat,
Your smile a distant land.
I drown in whirlpools.
I crash in storms.

You are swept by the waves,
But not my own.
Still I watch you,
As these waters close in.

Thursday 8 October 2015

Asianistas sumabak sa larong Pinoy

Mga estudyante sa sekundarya ay nagtipon sa lobby para ganapin ang Larong Pinoy umaga ng ika-28
ng Agosto.
                Hindi agad nakapagsimula ang Larong Pinoy dahil sa hindi magandang panahon pero kahit papano, nasolusyonan ito.
                Ang unang laro ay naganap sa lobby kung saan ang mga manlalaro ay dapat ipitin ang baraha sa pagitan ng kanilang dalawang binti. Gamit ang isang paa, dapat silang tumalon patungo sa kabilang dulo kung saan may isa pang mag-aaral, na umakto bilang poste, para ikutin pabalik sa pinanggalingan.
                Ipinagpatuloy ang pangalawang laro, ang Luksong Lubid, sa quadrangle. Doon din ginanap ang Luksong Baka at ang Luksong Tinik.
                Hinirang bilang kampeon ang ika-7 baitang, sumunod ang ika-8 antas, habang ang ika-10 baitang ay pumangatlo, panghuli naman ang ika-9 na antas.
                Maligayang Buwan ng Wika, mga Asianistas!

-         Allysha Danielle Tadios

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Gilas Pilipinas bags silver medal in 2015 Jones Cup

Blatche-less Gilas survives Chinese Taipei in Jones Cup | Sports, News,
The Philippine Star |

        Gilas Pilipinas claimed the silver medal at the 2015 William Jones Cup after a 96-67 victory over Chinese Taipei B last Sunday, September 6 at the Xinchuang Gymnasium in Taiwan.
        The Philippine national men's basketball team finished the tournament with a 6-2 record for second place right behind champion Iran with its 7-1 win-loss card.
Based on history, it is the first silver medal in the competition to add to their 4 golds and 3 bronze medals from previous years. The country won  gold from their last participation in 2012.
        Gary David led the way with 22 points while Jayson Castro and MoalaTautuaa added 15 and 12 markers, respectively.
        The nationals bucked a slow start versus Chinese Taipei B and finally took the lead for the first time with under a minute remaining in the opening period and proceeded with the blowout.
        Calvin Abueva absorbed a hard foul late in the first quarter, hurting his lower back but he was iced and ready to go in the second half, according to Sport5's Carlo Pamintuan who is in Taiwan.
        With the result all but assured in the second half, Gilas had the luxury of playing relaxed and having fun as they experimented with their offensive capabilities.
Jimmy Alapag, Terrence Romeo, DondonHontiveros, and Marc Pingris sat out the final game of the Jones Cup.
        Gilas will return home to prepare for its final tilt before the 2015 FIBA Asia Championship later this month, the MVP Cup.

        The MVP Cup, happening from September 11 to 13, will feature teams Gilas defeated in the Jones Cup, the Wellington Saints from New Zealand and the Taiwan national team.

- Kyle Joseph Supan


         I am aware that I am not physically fit. I always find reasons to eat. I sit down all day until my legs complain. I even wished I can float so that every time I move, I won’t spend a pound of energy. Those things that I’ve said wasn’t the exact thing I did last Friday, July 31, 2015.
          That day was the culminating activity of the celebration of the Nutrition month. I was part of the Theatres’ Art Guild presentation so I stuff myself with food and drinks that I think can satisfy me until 4 o’clock, before the salu-salo with my classmates.
  I really thought that was it. After our presentation we can go where ever we want, until Sir Rommel said we are going to lead the Zumba after the culminating activity and each of us is going to lead the crowd. We should go with a pair. I’ve picked Valerie (I’m sorry for dropping your name), she didn’t have a partner so did I.
  There, the Zumba craze started. I stuffed myself at the back so that the audience will not see me dancing. I am really terrible at it, I swear. Sir Rommel lifted the atmosphere. He led everyone with the warm up exercise and some of them were hard to follow but I managed them all because I was pressured. I was pressured in a way that I am also a TAG member though I wasn’t into dancing. I need to do this!
  Then Sir Rommel started calling the names of my fellow TAG members, oh my. I suddenly felt nervous. What if our names are going to be called? I just calmed myself by focusing on the dance movements and temporarily forget it.
  While dancing and executing the steps, I felt strange. I was sweating. Not only me but almost everyone. My red t-shirt became dark red. And aside we were all sweating we were also smiling and enjoying every beat of the songs played. Some of us even shouted adlibs like HEY to maintain the energy of the crowd and us ‘leaders’.
    It was I and my partner’s turn to lead the crowd. I knew I wasn’t at my best. I really see that the two of us weren't on ourselves at that time because we’re really panicking on what to do next but for me, that experience was the best. Although I wasn’t the main dancer during that time, I was proud of myself. I was able to change a bit of my history. I actually enjoyed exercising for the first time.

-Maria Lallene M. Cinco
- Photos by Jeanille B. Cogtas


Nagwagi sina Jenika Gi-An Nero at Lance Roi Catadman sa Guitar Duet competition na ginanap sa People's Hall ng Talisay City noong ika-7 ng Agosto.

Ang nasabing patimpalak ay para sa preparasyon ng ikawalong (8th) Halad sa Kabataan.Magaganap ang kompetisyong panrehiyon sa darating na ika-11 ng Agosto sa San Fernando Sports Complex sa San Fernando, Cebu.

Sumali ang Asian College of Technology sa “2015 Division Vocal Duet and Guitar Duet Competion” noong ika-7 ng Agosto sa People’s Hall ng Talisay City Hall.

Sina Chesty Mae Flores at Patricia Nicole Logarta ang kumatawan sa ACT para sa vocal duet.

Pangwalo sa vocal duet sina Flores at Logarta.

- Allysha Danielle Tadios

Friday 2 October 2015

Grades 9, 10 join Basic Emergency Response symposium

      July 18, 2015, Saturday – The Grades 9 and 10 attended a symposium about Basic Emergency Response which happened on the ACT lobby.
      The said activity was conducted by SF01 Guiller T. Pegarido which started around 8:30 am.
       Some of the topics discussed are the Fire Prevention Program and First Aid. With first aid, the Grade 9 and 10 are taught how to execute the CPR (Cardio-Pulmonary Response) and FBAO (Foreign Body Airway Obstruction).
       The event ended with an evaluation of the students as how much they understood and observed the process of CPR and FBAO.

-Maria Lallene M.Cinco


Nagbunga ng saya ang tagumpay ng Asian College of Technology (ACT) Cyber Knights volleyball boys sa District Meet 2015 noong ika-1 ng Oktubre sa East Visayan Academy (EVA) laban sa Monterey School Incorporated Lions.

Naganap ang laro sa ala una ng hapon sa EVA gymnasium. Panalo ang Act laban sa Monterey sa set iskor na 2-1 kung saan nanalo sila sa una at huling set.

Sa unang set ay kita ang determinasyon ng bawat manlalaro sa korte. Tila nahirapan sa unang mga minute ang Cyber Knights dahil nagpatalo ang Lions kaya natabla ang iskor, 5-5. Nang pagkakataon na ni Damielle Luchavez mag-serve ay hindi na niya pinalampas ito.

Pinasok niya nang walang kahirap-hirap ang labimpitong(17) serbisyo na nagpalamang sa Cyber Knights sa iskor na 22-5. Parang kidlat sa bilis ang mga serbisyo ni Luchavez kaya napa-nganga na lamang sa gulat ang Lions.

Nakagawa pang pumuntos ng kalaban ngunit natalo sila sa iskor na 25-8.

Sa ikalawang set ay tila nawala sa pokus ang Cyber Knights at muling nahirapan. Ilang paglabag din ang nagawa ng knights kaya lumamang ang Lions.

Nahirapan ang setter ng koponan na si Paul Santillan dahil sa mga maling receive na binitawan ng kanyang kagrupo. Nagawang humabol ng Knights ngunit nataposa ng set sa iskor na 23-25 kung saan sila ay talo.

Nag-aapoy muli ang Knights kaya nagawa nilang bumawi sa huling set. Muli ay pinahirapanng Knights ang Lions at nakabawi. Panalo ang Knights sa iskor na 25-10.  

Hindi natuwa si Coach Elvin Tabura sa kinalalabasan. “Nadismaya ako dahil natapos n asana and laro sa ikalawang set,” sabi ni Tabura.

Nakulangan din si Angelo Largo, dating Cyber Knights volleyball player,  sa ipinakita ng Knights. “Okay lang naman ngunit nakita ko na kulang sa pokus ang mga manlalaro,” wika niya.

Nakontento naman sa ipinakitang laro ng Knights si Floramae Arain, ACT Athletics Club Moderator. Sabi niya, “Bumilib ako dahil ito ang magiging hudyat  sa  ‘comeback’ ng ACT.

Panalo din ang Cyber Knights volleyball girls matapos hindi sumipot ang Tabunok National High School (TNHS).

- Lance Roi Catadman

Sunday 16 August 2015


Talisay City held a simultaneous earthquake drill participated by all schools in Talisay City last July 30, 2015

Asian College of Technology (ACT) ,as participating school, was evaluated by the representatives from the East Visayan Academy (EVA) and Talisay City Rescue representative, SFO1 Guiller T. Pegarido.

Mr. Harry Nogra(EVA) congratulated the faculty and staff including the security and maintenance group for a job well done.

Pegarido also singled out the High School students for their behavior. "I would like to commend the High School students. They are well-behaved. I'd like to commend the teachers as well."

- Article by Jeanille Cogtas
Photos by Marie Raylind Cairo

STARLIGHT by Dominic Ceballos

It has been an amazing ride,
Acting all foolish and loosing our pride,

We seem not to care about the people who judge us,
All we do is laugh and take the midnight bus,

Pointing out starlight and questioning about love,
On our nights we wonder to the lights above.

For each time we are together, love starts running low,
We know for a fact that time is our greatest foe.

We still enjoy our company, holding each other's hands,
Despite the lack of emotions in our appearance.

But as we feared, the day has come for us both,
As all things always have to embrace to an ending.

Is this the end, the limit, and the breaking of the sacred oath?
And our hearts are too broken even by mending?

Still, you are the starlight I question about love.
Were you sent by the angels above?

Sunday 9 August 2015


Ten High School Asianistas made it to top 10  during the Talisay City Writers' Training held at San Roque Elementary School last August 8, 2015 Saturday.

There were 16 categories but only 14 had a competition since photojournalism only had lecture since not all participants brought their camera in as much as not all of them printed their photos.

So we are only left with news, feature, sports, editorial, and science writing; editorial cartooning; copyreading and headline writing; each with Filipino and English medium.

Only 13 Asianistas competed out of 14 since there was no representative for sports writing- English.

The Freeman acted as trainors of the young and potential journalists of Talisay City Division.

The following are the students who are in the top ten, their category and their rank respectively:

MARIA ELOISA H. GARCIA - News Writing (English) - 2nd Place
ALLYSHA DANIELLE E. TADIOS - News Writing (Filipino) - 3rd Place
JENIKA GI-AN C. NERO - Feature Writing (English) - 3rd Place
LANCE ROI G. CATADMAN - Sports Writing (Filipino) - 4th Place
JOVETH MARIEL FANILAG - Editorial Writing (English) - 5th Place
JOEL L. ECONAS JR. - Science Writing (Filipino) - 5th Place
MARIA LALLENE CINCO - Copyreading and Headline Writing(English) - 5th Place
RENE R. SEBES JR. - Copyreading and Headline Writing (Filipino) - 6th Place
KHAYLA MARIE GIL CARREON - Editorial Writing (Filipino) - 8th Place
JOEFREY MORIE  - Editorial Cartooning - 8th Place

Each participant was expected to have two outputs that day: one in the morning and another in the afternoon.

The results above are only for the morning and the results for the afternoon are yet to be disseminated by the Talisay City Division through a memorandum and the like.

The morning session was for the Freeman journalists and the afternoon session was already manned by Talisay City Division trainors who participated in the Media Festival.

- Article and Photos by Jeanille Cogtas

Monday 3 August 2015


Assembly time was 4:30 AM at Gaisano Tabunok. There are a lot of participating schools both public and private. Asian College of Technology was one of them. Parade started at 5:00 AM from Gaisano Tabunok to Talisay City Central School.

 It was a long walk going there however participants enjoyed walking. We arrived in Talisay City Central School at 6:00 AM, where students shouted off their cheer for each school. 

There was a program prepared as the participants reached their destination. Our Mayor, Jhonny V. De Los Reyes shared a wonderful speech for everyone. Barangay officials participated in the events too as we walked inside the campus of the Talisay City Central School grounds. 

Drums and trumpets were played  in front and during the march. Traffic enforcers guided our way as we walked past roads, sidewalks and  houses. Citizens, along the streets and some in their cars watched us walk as we passed by them. 

Students were talking about this event, the program ended with a loud cheer as the schools were called. One of the Barangay officials ended the program with a closing remarks. 

- Lou Anthony Laburada
 Photos by Ms. Mary June Hernaez

Ginintuang hakbang ng ACT!