Thursday 28 April 2016

Morissette: From ACT to the Philippines

                If someone had to ask me what is one thing I hate on a regular basis, I would no doubt say
 road traffic. Or maybe how excruciating the heat is here in our very tropical country. I’ll probably even mention both, although it’s technically not just one thing anymore.

                Anyway, going back to my first answer, traffic is a pain to all those who need to be in a certain place in a specific time. This goes out to students, employees, tourists, and to singers who have a mall show in their hometown to promote their very first album.

                MorissetteAmon, a pride and joy of ACT, proved that nothing is gonna stop her and the fans during her mall show at Starmall, Talisay City—not even getting stuck in heavy traffic. Her show started later than expected, but the wait was definitely worth it after hearing her very sweet high notes and powerful voice live.

                While waiting for the nightingale of Cebu, fans were entertained through Dance and Sing Offs, Bring Me’s, carrying out their inner DJs, and testing their listening abilities and whether they can differentiate their lefts and rights (a game which some of our fellow Asianistas participated in and surprisingly won).Also among the pumped up crowd were friends, colleagues, the most dedicated fans, and former teachers and schoolmates to support the singer.

                At long last, the audience erupted in chants and got up on their feet as the 93.9 iFM DJ’s voice boomed through the speakers: “MORISSETTE AMON, EVERYBODY!” And there, onstage, was the very beautiful and beaming superstar, 19 year old MorissetteAmon.
                The crowd was brought to even more cheers when she started singing. She moved the audience with every emotion she put into the songs. I mean, where do I even start in describing her voice? Angelic.Powerful. Will no doubt leave your jaw hanging. Not to mention her whistle tones—why can’t I sing like that?

                Even after all these years, Morissette continues to bring pride to the  Asianista family. Throughout the entire show, she calls out to her ACT family (that’s us!) to give gratitude for being with her in most of the crucial steps on the way to reaching her dreams.

                John Gabriel Nero, a classmate of Morissette, knew that their former class President was going to be famous someday, but did not expect that it’d be as early as the age of 14. “She has participated in singing contests on TV, but I never thought that opportunities would come easily for her. It’s a good thing that she is now able to do what she likes the most [singing].” He said in an interview.

                Nero, along with high school teachers Ms. Jacqueline Sampaga and Sir Marlowe Revolteado who had taught Morissette during her years in ACT, got the chance to reunite with the former Asianista during the show. They each bought an album, got a poster signed by the one and only singer, and of course took selfies with Morissette.

                Ms. Sampaga had no doubts when she mentioned how proud ACT is for Morissette and how we will continue to love and support her. “We wish you more success on your career. Good luck and fly high, Morissette!”

                To whatever the future may bring, the ACT family will always be here to support you. Continue living the dream, Morissette!

- Jenika Gi-An C. Nero

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