Tuesday 13 October 2015

Suicide: The Darkest Crime of Our Hearts

      Suicide: The Darkest Crime of Our Hearts
By Noni Kent A. Kaindoy

                   There are two types of people who can’t reach their goals: the defeated and the failures. The defeated are those who try again, while the failures are those who accept their mistakes. Without hope, they commit suicide because they feel they are rejected by the world or by chance.
                  Suicide is caused by loneliness, desperation and helplessness. This is the second leading cause of death globally among 15 to 29 years of age, according to the 2014 global report on preventing suicide by the World Health Organization (WHO). In the Philippines the estimated number of suicides in 2012 was 2,558 (550 female, 2009 male), according to the same report. Suicide is committed because some people believe there is nothing they can do to make their lives better from sadness. They have no one else to help them change their outlooks about themselves.
                 Their losses have been stuck on their heads because they have suffered consequences that hurt them both mentally and physically. In Manila, two students from separate schools in Batangas shot themselves dead after receiving failing grades in separate incidents on a Friday afternoon. Scene-of-the-crime investigators found the body of Daveson Beron, 22, a mechanical engineering student of Batangas State University and one of the suicide victims, a caliper .38 revolver he used to shoot himself with beside his body, and a laptop with message on screen: “I’m sorry, I quit.” People believe that when a person dies, it’s his/her decision, but what matters is why. What possible reason is there that people want to die? What could have been done to prevent them from taking their own lives?
                 The worst part of despair is the belief that they cannot do anything to prevent it. While there are some people who can deal with it after a while, some people believe they can’t. People who fail to recognize true happiness are those who say, “I am nothing to this world.” One example is a Filipino-American named Izabel Laxamana, who killed herself by jumping off a bridge in Tacoma, Washington. Laxamana’s father cut off her black hair as a punishment for ‘getting messed up’. Her father then taped the incident and shared it online, which ended up humiliating her. She felt like the world went against her.

                So I am begging those who know this sad type of death, please listen. Try to increase the esteem of those people around you, stranger or not. Continue to make them live happily until they die of old age content and blissful. Instead of punishing them for failing, try to help them overcome their failures. Let us live life courageously and continue to live happily.

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