Sunday 11 March 2018


              We've all been through tough times and moments when we wanted to discover something new in life. We've all got dreams that had faded in the abyss as time passes by; dreams that we yearn to achieve. Each one of us dreams of being great one day. Being the star in our sky. Miss Jeanille Cogtas is unlike any other people. Miss Jeanille has been loyal to Asian College of Technology Integrated School for 14 years and still counting.

                 Passion is what keeps her from striving hard each day. She is a happy mother of two children (currently pregnant with the second child). Though she has been blessed with her children, there's no parent in this world that is perfect but for her, being a teacher makes her a better parent. "I couldn't be a better mother if I give up my job. To be honest, I am no good at home, can't cook, don't do household chores that much. Work is where I am good at and my work has taught  me in tremendous ways how to be a mother.", she said. Being a parent isn't simple, not a single parent in this world admitted that being a parent is not an easy job but no matter what the world throws at her, she can handle it.

           Being contented on little things makes you want to achieve more. But her journey of being that star wasn't a road that's straight ahead, it was a bumpy ride. "So far I haven't really met such downfall yet but I've had obstacles in my life. However when those trials pinch me by the nose I always keep my faith though shaken.", she said.

            Whenever we've encountered trials or problems we tend to feel like there's no light that can shine upon our midst. But that perspective is not for her, she tends to smile on problems by keeping so much faith in her grasps. "Once you're within her aura it's like your troubles mysteriously vanish in the blues due to her heartwarming smile and positive vive.“, said Dan Paolo Ballares with an immense joy that filled his eyes.

               Being a teacher was only a vivid dream for her but suddenly faded away for she wanted to be something else. She wanted to be a dressmaker, "I really wanted to be a dressmaker however, I didn't think it is a good ambition. I just thought it's something I wanted to do not really a job.", she said.
                She had ups and downs in her life but her passion in teaching is what keeps her to keep a vision of success. But at the end of the day, ACT will always be her home. "This is already home to me and has been part of who I am." she declared with pride and loyalty. So wherever she will be , ACT will be her home. Miss Jeanille isn't only a teacher nor a mother, she is THE teacher of ACT and THE mother for us, her students, her children.
  -Vincentt Jesse Nuñez
In Partial Fulfillment of Elective English 8
Introduction to Journalism
SY 2017-2018

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