Wednesday 8 July 2015

ISD Asianista Olympics Season One: The Amazing Race

           Exercise, or just any sort of athletic activity, really, never became a favorite pastime of mine. Merely going up and down the stairs going to and from the 4th floor already takes my breath away; how much more if I would be participating in sports and games?
           The news of the very first Asianista Olympics then spread like fire throughout the campus and quite frankly, I was very determined to only be at the sidelines, clapping and cheering at the top of my lungs for our team. But then, they also announced that the first event was going to be the Amazing race, which involves all of the students in the high school department.
           Don’t get me wrong. I do enjoy these types of group physical exercises. It builds up teamwork, cooperation, coordination, and trust within one another. The only thing that I was not looking forward to were the tasks that required us to exert much effort (which I do not have much by the way). The ultimate obstacle after all was – and will always be – the never-ending flights of staircases.
So there I was with my teammates, a mixture of other students from Grades 7 to 10, clueless and unaware of the activities that the Supreme Student Government (SSG) prepared for us. All we knew was that there were 10 different stations to go to and that they were scattered all around the campus. The signal was given, and off the teams went.
             The stations were a mixture of entertainment, having absolutely no idea what we were supposed to be doing, a bit of mind challenges, and, well… a pinch of innovations here and there (We’re sorry!). Only a fair few stations made us do physical work which I’m very thankful for, yet I still felt slight muscle pains right after. There were clues that we had no idea how to solve, but a teammate still gets the answer anyway. Strategies had to be made; we truly got to understand the saying “Patience is a virtue” when it came to waiting  for the other teams to finish a station; and we also learned that one should only get too excited when he or she has finally done the entire task, not just when you’re on the verge of finishing one task. Chances are your team will lose focus and worse your team will have to do the activity all over again.
            In the end, our team (Team White a.k.a  Puti ‘To!) finished in the 7th place out of 10 teams, with Team Pink at 1st place. The activity ended on an exhausting yet happy note. Students left the campus with smiles on their faces despite the sweat and muscle pains. The second Saturday of the Asianista Olympics is also just around the corner. I hope all levels are ready for the basketball and volleyball games! Kudos as well to our SGG officers for the very successful event.
-Jenika Gi-an Nero

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