Thursday 30 June 2016

“The Haunted Device” by Brendan Salazar

“The Haunted Device”
by Brendan Salazar

Michael Rosen, Children’s Storyteller by day, and Paranormal Investigator by night. One day, he received a call from Dr. Rabatnuk of the Israeli Paranormal Sciences Division.

“Michael, I have an interesting case for you” said Rabatnuk through the phone.

“What is it?” said Michael

“Some locals in Italy have reported paranormal activity of some sort. I want you to go to Luigi Mansion in Italy and investigate these claims.” Said Rabatnuk

Michael and his Mexican “Partner”, Manuel Pingas, travelled to Italy and arrived at  Luigi Mansion in a van. By sundown, they had prepared their equipment and set about to investigate.

The duo navigated through the mansion and found themselves in a living room.

“Señor, I feel an unholy aura behind me” said Manuel

Behind them, a ghost hound appeared and growled. It charged towards Manuel, only to be sucked into a device called a Ghost Catcher.
“Thank you Señor” said Manuel

“Don’t worry” said Michael

The duo explored more of the mansion, finding themselves in the garden.

“Señor, look over there” said Manuel, pointing towards a group of monolithic structures forming a circle.

“They look like sponges” said Michael, ‘I wonder if this ‘spongehenge’ has any spirits residing in it’ he thought.

The two slowly approached the structures. Suddenly a flash of light appeared out of nowhere, slowly vanishing. The two then saw a morbid creature, as fat as a cow, wearing nothing but a cheap cape, and has a pinhead-shaped head.

“What grotesque pinhead creature is that?” said Manuel

WHO YOU CALLIN’ A PINHEAD!” shouted the creature.

“Please forgive my partner, we did not mean to insult your appearance.” Said Michael

“I shall forgive this mortal, you cannot comprehend my true being after all” said the creature

“Anyways, may I ask your name?” asked Michael. “I hope he does.” he wished

“Very well mortal. I am the God Empre-uh… Patrick, King of the Rock and Guardian of the Sloth. What is your business here, mortals.” Said Patrick

“We are investigating paranormal activity in this mansion. I don’t suppose you could tell us about the history of this mansion?” asked Michael

“Very well mortal, I shall” said Patrick before bringing up a holographic screen.

“A long time ago, a vile and evil man named Wario Luigi inhabited this mansion. He was cruel and did many vile and evil things. I myself found to his possession as a gift from a certain Italian Dictator. One day, a man named Eugene “Krabs” Plankten invented a device he called a “Weegee”. Wario wanted Eugene’s device and attempted to buy it from him but Eugene refused, seeing the evil within him. Wario killed Eugene and took the device from him. His very darkness and the souls he tormented seeped into the Weege. Wario was driven mad and was killed after killing one of his servants in the final days of the Italian Empire.” Told Patrick

“That was an interesting story to say the least. We have to go now, I hope we will encounter each other once again.” Said Michael

“I bid you farewell mortals and good luck. Oh and don’t forgot about the Chaos Mari- oh they’re gone.” Said Patrick, as the two left before saying the last part.

Michael and Manuel continued to explore the mansion, they tried to find the Weegee but to not avail. Along the way, they encountered many paranormal beings and creatures, some friendly, some hostile.

They finally went up into the attic. Already, they felt a strong unholy aura, and at the corner of Manuel’s eye, he saw the weegee: A metallic box with symbols of unknown origin and an eight-pointed star covering it.

“Señor, I found the Weegee” said Manuel

“Good job, Partner” complimented Michael

The duo readied their Ghost Catchers. They slowly and carefully approached the device, alert and on guard.

Suddenly, a blinding flash of light lit up the attic and a demonic voice roared.


Michael and Manuel ran to cover as the Chaos Marine threw its oversized axe at them. It charged at Michael, picking up its axe and shouted a war cry.
The Chaos Marine swinged its axe at Michael, he dodged it and it continued. Manuel shot his Ghost Catcher at the Chaos Marine but it only further enraged it.

The Chaos Marine roared, deafening Michael and Manuel. It charged at Manuel, cutting in half the antique table Manuel hid in. Manuel ran and the Chaos Marine followed, Michael had to stop the Chaos Marine.

Manuel was chased through the hallways of the mansion, being pursued by the Chaos Marine. He turned at a corner and a pack of ghost hounds charged at him. He suddenly turned at a room and let the Chaos Marine and the hounds fight it out. However the hounds were ripped apart by the Chaos Marine’s axe and its strength.

Michael returned to the van and scavenged through the equipment. He quickly found what he was looking for.

Manuel was chased by the Chaos Marine. He made his way into the living room. The Chaos Marine jumped into the living room and made a powerful shockwave. The Chaos Marine looked at Manuel, as if it was staring into his soul.

“DIE FOR KHORNE!” roared the Chaos Marine.

“This was it,” thought Manuel. It was the end for him. Then someone shouted at the Chaos Marine.

“BE DE-ATOMIZED CHAOS MARINE!” shouted Michael. He brought up his Atom Flayer, ready to fire death.

The Chaos Marine charged at Michael, swinging its axe. Michael fired his Atom Flayer, disintegrating the Chaos Marine, layer per layer until its atoms were ripped apart.

Michael ran up to Manuel and said “Are you okay?”

“I am fine Señor” said Manuel, he took Michael’s hand, standing up.

“Later that morning, the Weegee was loaded into the van. The two drove away from the mansion, finally putting it to rest.

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